Monday, May 31, 2010

jLayout provides Swing like Layouts in JS

Found a javascript library called jLayout which provides layout capabilities that is similar to Java's Swing library. Most of the names used are evn similar. Pretty cool i must say. Hoping to try it out in the coming days. Check it out....

Friday, May 28, 2010

Online XML to XSD converter

Found an online tool which can generator xsd from a given sample XML doc. Can be found here.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Spring - How to use Component and Autowired

Just put together a sample which made me understand how to use the above mentioned annotations defined by Spring hence thought i should blog about the same.

First lets take a look at the two classes that are exposed as spring beans.

package chapter3;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class Calculator {
private Adder adder;

public void setAdder(Adder adder) {
this.adder = adder;

public void makeAnOperation(){
int r1 = adder.add(1,2);
System.out.println("r1 = " + r1);

package chapter3;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class Adder {
public int add(int a, int b){
return a + b;

Few pointers to note here are as follows;

  • By annotation the class with @Component you tell the Spring container that these beans are needed to be instantiated and managed by the Spring container. This reduces XML configurations required because you do not need to manually edit the XML file entering bean definitions to each and every bean.
  • The @Autowired element binds an instance of the Adder class when the Spring container scans the Calculator class.
Next we look at the application context XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

<context:component-scan base-package="chapter3"/>


And finally to run the sample following is the main class;

package chapter3;

import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;

public class ComponentCheck {

public static void main(String[] args) {
ApplicationContext appContext = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(
Calculator calculator = (Calculator) appContext.getBean("calculator");



For all your CSS needs

Check this out. Has so many tutorials and designs that you can use or just learn the true power of CSS. Great site.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

ListIterator in Java

Learned about this just now and thought ill blog about it for any one else who might find it useful. We normally use the default iterator to traverse through any collection. But have you ever needed to traverse backwards and forward? Or maybe add an element to a location while traversing. Then the answer is to use the ListIterator interaface while allows you to carry out such tasks.

Check out the javadoc for more info.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Stored proc with ease with Spring

Our current project was doing stored proc calls natively using SQL which in my opinion was very cumbersome and error prone and unable to extend without ease. While going through the Spring documentation i saw that they provide an abstraction for calling Stored procedures. Hence in this aricle i will explain step by step how i integrated Spring's Stored proc capability.

  • First create a class that extends org.springframework.jdbc.object.StoredProcedure

package com.test;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.sql.DataSource;

import org.springframework.jdbc.core.SqlOutParameter;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.SqlParameter;
import org.springframework.jdbc.object.StoredProcedure;

public class StoredProcedureTemplate extends StoredProcedure {

public StoredProcedureTemplate(DataSource ds, String SQL, SqlParameter[] inParams, SqlOutParameter[] outParams,boolean isFucntion) {


private void initializeInParams(SqlParameter[] inParams) {
if (inParams != null && inParams.length > 0) {
for (SqlParameter inParameters : inParams) {

private void initializeOutParams(SqlOutParameter[] outParams) {
if (outParams != null && outParams.length > 0) {
for (SqlParameter outParameters : outParams) {

public Map callStoredProc(HashMap map) {
Map out = null;
out = execute(map);
return out;


Here i have written two private methods to handle in register in and out params used in the stored procedure which is called from within the constructor.

  • Then i create a utility class which uses this stored proc class to call respective stored procedures used within your system I have named it as MasterStoreProcUtil because this will be the central point of access to all stored procedures used within the system.

package com.test.master.core.util;

import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.sql.DataSource;

import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleTypes;

import org.springframework.jdbc.core.SqlOutParameter;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.SqlParameter;

import com.test.StoredProcedureTemplate;
import com.test.master.core.dto.InOutMsgSearchDTO;
import com.test.master.core.dto.InboundMainGridMapper;
import com.jkcs.dcs.master.core.dto.InboundPartGridMapper;

public class MasterStoredProcUtil {

* Do not change the name of this parameter as the spring file refers by this name
private DataSource dataSource;

* Loaded through spring. See storedproc.spring.xml. Contains all stored procedures which are called through Spring.<br>
* We have loaded through spring so that in a later time if you change the procedure name, you only need to change
* the<br>
* the spring config
private Map<String, String> storedProcedures;

private static final String INBOUND_MSG_PROC = "INBOUND_MSG_DETAILS";

public Map getInboundMessageDetails(InOutMsgSearchDTO inoutMsgSearchDTO) throws JkcsCommonsException {

HashMap inParamMap = new HashMap();
if (inoutMsgSearchDTO.getFlightNumber() != null && !inoutMsgSearchDTO.getFlightNumber().isEmpty()) {
inParamMap.put("pc_flight_number", inoutMsgSearchDTO.getFlightNumber());
} else {
inParamMap.put("pc_flight_number", null);

if (inoutMsgSearchDTO.getFlgDate() != null) {
inParamMap.put("pc_flight_date", inoutMsgSearchDTO.getFlgDate());
} else {
inParamMap.put("pc_flight_date", null);

if (inoutMsgSearchDTO.getMsgType() != null && !inoutMsgSearchDTO.getMsgType().isEmpty()) {
inParamMap.put("pc_msg_type", inoutMsgSearchDTO.getMsgType());
} else {
inParamMap.put("pc_msg_type", null);

if (inoutMsgSearchDTO.getStatus() != null && !inoutMsgSearchDTO.getStatus().isEmpty()) {
inParamMap.put("pc_status", inoutMsgSearchDTO.getStatus());
} else {
inParamMap.put("pc_status", null);

inParamMap.put("pc_pgno_start", inoutMsgSearchDTO.getPgStartNumber());
inParamMap.put("pc_pgno_numrecs", inoutMsgSearchDTO.getPgSize());

SqlParameter[] inParams = { new SqlParameter("pc_flight_number", Types.VARCHAR),
new SqlParameter("pc_flight_date", Types.DATE), new SqlParameter("pc_msg_type", Types.VARCHAR),
new SqlParameter("pc_status", Types.VARCHAR), new SqlParameter("pc_pgno_start", Types.NUMERIC),
new SqlParameter("pc_pgno_numrecs", Types.NUMERIC) };

SqlOutParameter[] outParams = {
new SqlOutParameter("pc_tot_recs", Types.NUMERIC),
new SqlOutParameter("pc_msg_info_cur", OracleTypes.CURSOR, new InboundMainGridMapper()),
new SqlOutParameter("pc_messages_cur", OracleTypes.CURSOR, new InboundPartGridMapper()) };
StoredProcedureTemplate storedProcTemplate = new StoredProcedureTemplate(dataSource, storedProcedures
.get(INBOUND_MSG_PROC), inParams, outParams, false);

return storedProcTemplate.callStoredProc(inParamMap);


In this class i have used the above StoredProcedureTemplate class passing in the required parameters. As you can see its very straight forward to lin the IN params required for the stored procedure. For the out params, here i have deinfed as Curosor because in the stored procs im calling currently the data is returned within a SYS cursor.

The best part about using spring here is that you can wrap the data returned from your ref cursor to your own transfer objects. Hence next i will show you how that mapping class looks like. Farely easy;

package com.test.master.core.dto;

import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper;

import com.test.master.core.domain.message.InboundMessages;
import com.test.master.core.domain.message.ProcessedInboundMessage;

public class InboundMainGridMapper implements RowMapper {

public Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
List<ProcessedInboundMessage> procIbMsgList = new ArrayList<ProcessedInboundMessage>();
ProcessedInboundMessage ibMsg = new ProcessedInboundMessage();
InboundMessages inboundMsg = new InboundMessages();

return procIbMsgList;


This is the mapper class. You get the result set and iterate through it filling your DTO as required. The names referred here are the column names as specified in you ref cursor. I have returned a list of objects in this instance.

And last to wire it all up the spring configuration needed is as follows;

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

- Makes a JNDI DataSource available as bean reference, assuming a J2EE environment.
- By default, "java:comp/env/" will be prepended if not already specified.
<bean id="myDataSource" class="org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectFactoryBean">
<property name="jndiName">
<property name="jndiEnvironment">
<prop key="java.naming.factory.initial">org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory</prop>
<prop key="java.naming.provider.url">localhost:1099</prop>

<!-- Defined the parent bean for datasource so that any other bean requiring it can use the parent tag
and re-use this
<bean id="parentDatasource" abstract="true">
<property name="dataSource" ref="myDataSource"/>

This wires the MasterStoreProcUtil class which had the map of all procs available within the system

<bean id="masterStoredProcUtil" class="com.test.master.core.util.MasterStoredProcUtil"
<property name="storedProcedures">


This is the spring configuration required. I have set the parent attribute in the bean id masterStoredProcUtil to link to the data source bean which i defined as abstract. Which is why i put a note in the class file as to not change the instance variable name of the DataSource instance variable.

I have included all proc names within a map so that even at a latter change we need to change the proc name, we only need to change the spring config minimizing any errors.

Thats it guys. If you have any queries, or possible changes, improvements you see pls do leave a comment which i highly appreciate.


Serialize with care

To think serialization meant just implementing the Marker interface Serializable and just get on with life as usual. As if it would be that easy. What fun would that be right? So today i was breaking my web services to a separate EAR because of the need to load balance and fail over web services. In that i had an exception which was propagated from the EJB layer which was remotely deployed. It worked fine when running together within one app server. But in production after deployement it kept giving an error says org.jaxen.VariableContext class not found. I was speding around 1hr trying to figure out what was wrong by checking my application.xml, checking my libraries within the EAR. But i could not find a reason as to why it was giving this error.

After a few mins of googling about there was a JBOSS-JIRA issue mentioned which said that though JBoss AS throws that error, the real reason is that you have a class which is serialized but it does not have the default contructor because of the fact you override the default contructor with your own constructor. After going through my code i found that in one of my classes i had such a scenraio and also i had used ResourceBundle within that class which i had to make transient as well because it is not serializable.

So after adding the default constructor to my DTO which was passed i was able to resolve the issue.


Use Arrays.asList() method with caution

Hey guys,

Been a while since the last post. Work has been hectic and i wasnt really in the mood to blog. My apologies. So getting along with it. I just got to know this interesting detail about java's Arrays.asList() method. If you go through the source code you will find out that it will not give you an implementation of the ArrayList class. Because it has an anonymous inner implmentation of the class ArrayList. And hence for example if you consider the following scenrion;

String[] strArr = new String[]{"test","test1};
List<String> strList = Arrays.asList(strArr);

Here at line no 3 you will get an UnsupportedException thrown because that inner class implmentation does not provide all functionalities provided by the normal ArrayList class.

For more info check out this article.