Monday, January 25, 2016

Integrating JQGrid with Spring MVC and Gson

I was working on a single page application where i wanted to use the grid functionality in one part of the application which was using Spring MVC. It has been some time since i last used JQGrid and finding the information required to get me up and about was bit of a challenge. On this post, I wanted to collate all the information and put it into a tutorial to follow so anyone who might be using the same functionality might find it helpful to setup JQGrid.

First of all, we will setup a sample web project on Eclipse and define the web.xml as follows;


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xmlns:web="" xsi:schemaLocation="" id="WebApp_ID" version="2.5">

To wire up Spring MVC, I have registered the DispatcherServlet to be loaded on start-up. This is basically how you will register any Spring MVC application. Next up, we need to create the spring configuration to register the required components/elements of our spring MVC application.

In this instance, I have kept the spring context file name to the "servlet-name" given on my web.xml because by default when the spring container loads up, it will look for a file with the format <servletname>-servlet.xml

If you want to use any other name you want for your spring context configuration file, you can do so. You just need to register the context loader on your web.xml.

So let us see how our spring context configuration file looks like;

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
    <context:component-scan base-package="com.example.jqgrid.controller" />
     <bean id="multipartResolver" class="org.springframework.web.multipart.commons.CommonsMultipartResolver"/>
    <bean id="viewResolver" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver">
    <property name="prefix" value="/WEB-INF/jsp/" />
    <property name="suffix" value=".jsp" />
    <mvc:resources mapping="/resources/**" location="/resources/"/>

We first register the package that contains all our controller classes. In this instance it will be just one controller. With the component-scan element, it will scan all classes under the "controller" package.

Next up, we tell the Spring container how to resolve our JSP files. In this instance the internal view resolver is being used and we provide the location of where our JSP files reside on the application.

The next interesting part on this configuration is the <mvc:resources> element. The reason to define this is to let the Spring container know about our static resources such as the javascript files, images, stylesheets. If we do not define them as resources, whenever you refer a javascript file for example in your application, spring mvc will try to match an existing controller by looking at the defined URL patterns. In this case, all my css, javascript,image files reside under the resources folder.

I then define the index.jsp which is the entry point into our application. Now I do not want to do anything on this page and i simply re-direct it to a different page which is resolved via spring-mvc. Our index.jsp file is as follows;

<script type="text/javascript">

I am simply re-directing the URL to jqGridExample. Now to understand how this is resolved from spring-mvc, we will need look at our controller class. Our controller class is as follows;

package com.example.jqgrid.controller;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;

import com.example.jqgrid.common.util.JsonUtil;
import com.example.jqgrid.dto.JQGridDTO;
import com.example.jqgrid.dto.SuperHeroDTO;
import com.example.jqgrid.handler.JQGridHandler;

 * This class acts as the controller for JQGrid related functionality.
 * @author Dinuka Arseculeratne
public class JQGridController {

  * This method will display the page used to display the grid.
  * @param req
  * @param res
  * @return
 @RequestMapping(method = { RequestMethod.POST, RequestMethod.GET }, path = "/jqGridExample")
 public String jqGrid(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) {
  String forward = "jqgrid/jqGridData";

  return forward;

  * This method will handle fetching data required for the JQGrid.
  * @param req
  * @param res
  * @return
 @RequestMapping(method = { RequestMethod.POST, RequestMethod.GET }, path = "/loadData")
 public String loadData(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) {
  String forward = "common/formData";

  JQGridDTO<SuperHeroDTO> gridData = new JQGridHandler().loadSuperHeroes(req);
  req.setAttribute("formData", JsonUtil.toJsonObj(gridData));
  return forward;


So if we look at the first method, you can see we are simply return a text called "jqgrid/jqGridData". Now to understand what this does, we need to go back and look at our spring context configuration file. In that we specified that all our JSP files reside in the "WEB-INF/jsp" folder and the suffix is ".jsp". So in this instance the path we return from this method tells the spring container that the JSP to be returned is in fact in "WEB-INF/jsp/jqgrid/jqGridData.jsp". Note that we did not need to specify the suffix as ".jsp" because we already configured that on our spring context configuration.

We will come back to the second method after we look at our page where we have defined the JQGrid. The jqGridData.jsp is as follows;

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>JQGrid Example</title>

    <link href="resources/css/jquery-ui.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <link href="resources/css/jquery-ui.theme.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <link href="resources/css/jquery-ui.structure.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="resources/css/ui.jqgrid.css">

   <table id="list">
                        <td />
        <div id="pager"></div>
        <div style="margin-top:10px;">
        <input type="button" id="showSelected" value="Show Selected"/>

  <script src="resources/js/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script>
  <script src="resources/js/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
  <script src="resources/js/i18n/grid.locale-en.js"></script>
  <script src="resources/js/jquery.jqGrid.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

                url : "loadData",
                datatype : "json",
                mtype : 'POST',
                colNames : [ 'Name','Alias','Super Power'],
                colModel : [ {
                        name : 'name',
                        index : 'name',
                        width : 150
                }, {
                        name : 'alias',
                        index : 'alias',
                        width : 150,
                        editable : false
                }, {
                        name : 'power',
                        index : 'power',
                        width : 550,
                        editable : false
                pager : '#pager',
                rowNum : 10,
                height: 'auto',
                rowList : [ 10 ],
                sortname : 'invid',
                sortorder : 'desc',
                viewrecords : true,
                gridview : true,
                multiselect: true,
            multiboxonly: false,
                caption : 'Super Heroes',
                jsonReader : {
                        repeatitems : false,
        jQuery("#list").jqGrid('navGrid', '#pager', {
                edit : false,
                add : false,
                del : false,
                search : false
         var selRowArr = jQuery("#list").getGridParam('selarrrow');
         var selectedAppIds = [];
         for(var i=0;i<selRowArr.length;i++){
          var celValue =  $('#list').jqGrid('getCell', selRowArr[i], 'alias');
         $('#list').trigger( 'reloadGrid' );


First of all, we need to define the element on which the JQGrid will be loaded. In this instance that is the HTML table element with the id of  "list". And since we want the pagination ability, we define our pagination section below the grid. In this instance, the pagination section is defined with the div with the id of "pager".

We then look at the java script code as the bottom. Here we load the JQGrid by calling the method jqGrid() passing in the required attributes. I will not be explaining all the attributes defined here as there are many more which i have not used in this instance. The most relevant attributes for this tutorial will be explained. So first off, the URL. This is defined as "loadData". We need to go back our controller class to understand how this is mapped.

On the controller, we have defined the second method as "loadData" which fetches the data required for the grid. Now the interesting part is, JQGrid expects the data sent across in a particular format. To adhere to this format, i have defined a class to hold this structure which is defined as JQGridDTO. Let us see how that class looks like;

package com.example.jqgrid.dto;

import java.util.List;

 * This class acts as common template for all pages that use the JQGrid.
 * @author Dinuka Arseculeratne
 * @param <T>
public class JQGridDTO < T extends Serializable > {

    private int page;

    private String total;

    private String records;

    private List<T> rows;

    public int getPage() {
        return page;

    public void setPage(int page) { = page;

    public String getTotal() {
        return total;

    public void setTotal(String total) { = total;

    public String getRecords() {
        return records;

    public void setRecords(String records) {
        this.records = records;

    public List<T> getRows() {
        return rows;

    public void setRows(List<T> rows) {
        this.rows = rows;


This is the structure of the data required by JQGrid. I have kept the rows data structure generic in order to be able to use this same class to pass different types of data to the grid as required. It can be any type of object as long as it implements the Serializable interface.

So I am a big time super heroes fan, and hence in this instance I will be displaying some information on some of the super heroes. I have included super heroes from both the DC and Marvel universe to keep everyone happy.

So let us look at our data object and the handler class which will load our data;

package com.example.jqgrid.dto;


 * @author Dinuka Arseculeratne
public class SuperHeroDTO implements Serializable {

 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1420635747715993129L;

 private String name;
 private String alias;
 private String power;

 public SuperHeroDTO(String name, String alias, String power) { = name;
  this.alias = alias;
  this.power = power;

 public String getName() {
  return name;

 public void setName(String name) { = name;

 public String getAlias() {
  return alias;

 public void setAlias(String alias) {
  this.alias = alias;

 public String getPower() {
  return power;

 public void setPower(String power) {
  this.power = power;


package com.example.jqgrid.handler;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;

import com.example.jqgrid.dto.JQGridDTO;
import com.example.jqgrid.dto.SuperHeroDTO;

 * The handler class used to fetch the data required.
 * @author Dinuka Arseculeratne
public class JQGridHandler {

  * This method will fetch the super hero list. Of course i have mixed and
  * matched DC and Marvel in order to keep peace on the universe.
  * @return
 public JQGridDTO<SuperHeroDTO> loadSuperHeroes(final HttpServletRequest req) {
   * The page and rows are sent from the JQGrid component with the Ajax
   * query.
  int page = Integer.valueOf(req.getParameter("page")).intValue();
  int pageSize = Integer.valueOf(req.getParameter("rows")).intValue();

   * I am not using the star index and end index in this case, but in an
   * ideal situation, you will be passing the start and end index to your
   * pagination SQL query.
  int startIndex = page == 1 ? 0 : (pageSize * (page - 1));
  int endIndex = page == 1 ? pageSize : pageSize * page;
  int total = -1;

  JQGridDTO<SuperHeroDTO> jqGridData = new JQGridDTO<SuperHeroDTO>();
  List<SuperHeroDTO> superHeroList = new LinkedList<SuperHeroDTO>();
  SuperHeroDTO flash = new SuperHeroDTO("Barry Allen", "Flash", "Super speed, Taping into the speed force");

  SuperHeroDTO superMan = new SuperHeroDTO("Clark Kent", "Superman", "Flying, super speed");

  SuperHeroDTO batman = new SuperHeroDTO("Bruce Wayne", "Batman", "Cool toys, Intelligence");

  SuperHeroDTO professorX = new SuperHeroDTO("Professor Xavier", "Professor X", "Mind control");

   * The total in the ideal situation would be the count of the records of
   * your SQL query from the table you want to fetch data from.
  total = superHeroList.size();

  jqGridData.setTotal(String.valueOf(Math.ceil((double) total / pageSize)));
  return jqGridData;

Typically you will be using a database to fetch your data. To maintain the brevity of this tutorial i have just loaded up static data. On the code comments I have mentioned how you would be passing the data when using an actual database.

In this instance, the JQGrid is setup to receive the data in JSON format. So to convert our super hero object to its JSON equivalent, i have used Google's GSON library. I wrote a helper class to convert JSON objects to Java objects and Java objects to JSON objects which I have shared in one of my previous articles which you can find here.

I have not used the spring-mvc default functionality to send a JSON response. In this example what I do is set the JSON output in a request attribute and then forward the page to a common page where it just prints out that attribute and the response is sent back on the Ajax request made by the JQGrid component. This common page is defined as follows;


Going back to our JSP file which defined the JQGrid, the next important attribute I want to focus on is the "colModel". This maps the data sent on your JSON output to the grid columns that are displayed. In this instance you can see the names mentioned here are the instance variable names defined on our super hero data object. The rest of the attributes are self-explanatory so I will not delve into the details on those attributes.

Another important use case I required was to be able to send the selected rows to the back-end. To do this, you can use the in-built JQGrid functions. The following code shows the code which retrieves the name of the super hero on all selected rows (in this case as the multi select feature is enabled on the grid) and puts it into a Java script array.

         var selRowArr = jQuery("#list").getGridParam('selarrrow');
         var selectedAppIds = [];
         for(var i=0;i<selRowArr.length;i++){
          var celValue =  $('#list').jqGrid('getCell', selRowArr[i], 'alias');
         $('#list').trigger( 'reloadGrid' );

And that ends by tutorial on how to setup JQGrid with Spring MVC and Gson. The working code is checked into my GIT repository and can be found here. You can clone the repository if required and run the application.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Everyone deserves a second chance

I was watching one of the episodes on a TV series which I loved called Outsourced last week. In that episode there is a scenario where the manager (Tod) finds out that one of his employees is struggling to meet the sales target and the top management instructs the manager to get rid of one employee to keep up with the revenues. But what does “Tod” the manager do. He did confront the employee on his lack of performance and asked him what the cause of it was. Then along with the employee, he helps this guy to reach his targets by helping him resolve his personal issue. Now that I believe is the quintessence of a great manager.

This got me thinking, often times, even in the software industry, I have seen people who struggle being cornered and ignored. Most of the times it is not due to the lack of competence on their part. If you give them a chance to express themselves, I have often seen that it was due to a personal matter, financial crisis, insufficient information during on-boarding and many other reasons for the employee to under-perform. The saying goes “Put yourself in their shoes”. It would be appropriate to put yourself in their shoes and walk in it as well to get a feel of what the employee is going through. In my opinion, employees should not only be measured by their personal excellence, but should also be measured by how they support their team mates to succeed as well. A team will only be successful if they work as one cohesive unit. In daily stand-ups if I see someone struggling on a task for more than two consecutive days I would approach them offline and ask how I can help them out. The fact that you ask them and are there for them in their difficult time brings out a sense of belonging to them.

Johanna Rothman in her book “Behind closed doors” gives an overview of how we can deal with such employees. She calls it the “Get well plan” where the manager along with the employee comes up with a plan for the employee to succeed. You cannot simply fire a person without giving him/her a second chance to redeem themselves. I believe this approach is a fabulous idea where you can set a fixed set of goals within a fixed time frame to help out an employee who is struggling in your team.

So the next time you see someone in your team struggling, talk to them, get to know what their problem is and help them out. You will have pride (humble of course) of knowing that you were able to make a significant impact on the life of someone.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Being an architect and handling some of the managerial aspects

From mid last year, I have been playing a junior architect role, transitioning out of the technical lead role I was playing. It has been an interesting ride so far with many obstacles and many more to come I’m sure which makes it even more interesting. Taking the plunge to the new role required a change in the mindset. As a technical lead, I was predominantly focused on the technical aspects related to the product/project I was working on whereby the quality aspects of the code was the primary concern. With the switch to an architect, though most of those responsibilities still remain, there was an additional aspect which I had overlooked during the initial period.  In the capricious environment we usually work in, things do get overlooked which if left unattended will hinder the performance of your team and in turn affect the organization you work for.

Though I considered it to be a project management aspect, I came to figure out that this aspect was a responsibility of mine with this new role. So what is this overlooked aspect you ask? The management of the people aspect. Although you as an architect will not be involved with other project management aspects such as budgeting, schedule planning (though you need to assist on this one), goal setting, emitting CO2 with managerial meetings with no agenda (no pun intended of course), you do have the most important aspect of it all to manage, which is the people aspect. Though technical leadership and direction is your primary focus, you cannot overlook the fact that your team and the team morale is the determinant success factor of your team.

As an architect, you are now directly responsible of the career progression of your team. If you have a few under performers in your team, it does not mean you should corner them out and report them to management. On the contrary, you have to understand the individual’s issues, the reasons for under-performing and setting up a plan for that individual to focus on making the wrongs right. Most of the time, the under performers have a reason for their current predicament and understanding that will enable you to help that person out of the difficult situation. This is the time the team as a whole should drive the required productivity of the team until the under-performers do come up to the required standard. Constant feedback will help the people to understand their weakness and improve on it.

The catch here is that sometimes you figure out some people just do not take constructive feedback well. You cannot take this personally as this is the idiosyncratic behavior of some people. You can help someone as much as they want to be helped.

Learning to give feedback was another skill I had to obtain with this new role. Giving feedback is not the hardest part, but giving it in a way where the receiver does not go into a defensive mode is the harder part. Again, though I see this as a project manager’s responsibility, I believe as an architect, you are still responsible for the growth of your team and should give them feedback in order for them to grow. Feedback will include both the positive and the negative. “Good job with the XYZ module” is not a positive feedback. “Good job” works only if you are Hancock (you have to watch the movie to get that one). You have to be very specific regarding the accomplishment of the individual. “The new automation build script you setup for the team helped us to give regular internal releases whereby we were able to get feedback early on the features the team was working on”. Now that is a very specific positive feedback attributing what the person did and aligning that to the company’s goals of reducing operations costs and turnaround time.

Even though technical leadership still remains as the primary focus for you as an architect, you should not forget the most important people factor which will help you succeed as a team and move forward adding value to the organization you work for.
In the next post I will focus on the changes I had to make especially in the thought pattern transitioning from being a glorified geek.

Thank you for reading people, and as always your feedback is much appreciated and do please leave by a comment if you have anything to say, the good, the bad and the ugly.